For many people, a low level traffic offense or misdemeanor domestic violence charge are the only contact they will ever have with the Judicial system. Viewed as a potential defendant, the judicial system can be extremely scary and the consequences seem overwhelming. You need a knowledgeable and sympathetic ear to guide you the process, to advise you of the best choices, and to be prepared to fight for you every step of the way. You need the trial team at Triple L Law!
At Triple L Law, PC, we handle all types of misdemeanors from traffic tickets and municipal violations to County Court misdemeanors and DUI/DWAI/DUID. Some of the types handled include:
- Misdemeanor Domestic Violence
- Restraining Orders and their Violations
- Traffic Offenses
- Misdemeanor Drug Crimes
- Theft, Criminal Trespass,
- Property Crimes
- Municipal Violations
- Driving Under
- Restriction
In many large law firms, misdemeanor violations are seen as relatively unimportant cases that can be handled in the fastest and easiest manner possible with little client contact. At Triple L Law, we understand that your case is the most important thing in the world to you and deserves all of the same attention and passion that a large felony murder trial would. We understand that it’s your life and liberty that are on the line and promise that each case will get the same attorney, the same work, and the same dedication of the larger felony cases.
Triple L Law has handled thousands of misdemeanor cases and stands ready to assist you in this difficult time. We’re aware that even the smallest case can have unintended long term consequences and needs to the expert hands of someone who is an expert in criminal allegations of all levels. Too often, overworked police officers and Assistant District Attorneys have to handle cases like these in the speediest manner possible and can’t take the time to truly look deep into what happened. At Triple L Law, we will thoroughly investigate all cases to see what the State missed, consult with you to determine the outcomes most favorable to your particular situation, and are prepared to fight in trial as necessary for every case, no matter how big or how small.
Jake Lilly is your trial attorney! Call him today! Don’t delay!
Remember, with some crimes, you have as little as seven days to get your defense going before you forfeit certain rights! Call today!