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Criminal Law

Trial is our business!

(303) 847-0755

You've got questions. We've got answers.

So you’ve found yourself in a predicament and are probably teeming with questions and concerns. We can help you dial this into perspective, strategically weigh your options and discover some breathing room. 

The Triple L Difference

  • Small Firm – Individualized attention, quick answers
  • Veteran Owned – We’ve been there and done it all
  • Experience – We’ve practiced in 6 states, 4 federal courts, military court and more administrative sections than you can count
  • Trial, Trial, Trial – 140 jury trials and counting, 50+ bench trials

How much will it cost?

Each case is different but these ranges are generally accurate:
  1. Misdemeanors: $3,000 – $4,5000
  2. Lower Level Felonies: $6,000 – $7,500
  3. Higher Felonies: $7,500+
  4. Sex Offenses: Call for estimate
Free Consultation &
Payment Plans Available

Recent Successes

  • Not Guilty on sex crimes trial
  • Domestic Violence assault dismissed at trial
  • Three assault cases dismissed in 1 month
  • Accessory to murder dismissed after community service
  • Not guilty on all counts on reckless homicide

You’ll find a ton of information on our site but the best way to discover how we can help your unique situation is to start the conversation. Call or email us now.

Track Record of Success

We believe in being ready for trial from day one, and that means making sure our clients are prepared from the very beginning. We work closely with our clients from the moment they walk in the door to fight for their rights and just results. We promise to fight for you.

Jake Lilly, Esq.

Jake Lilly, Esq.

Juris Doctorate with a specialization in International aFfairs from Cornell Law School | 2005 Army's Judge Advocate Generals Corp 3rd Infantry Division in Baghdad | Special Assistant U.S. Attorney | Federal Prosecutor | Assistant District Attorney | "I know how the prosecution works!"
Meet Jake
Beth Dombroski, Esq.

Beth Dombroski, Esq.

Deputy JAG at the Naval Medical Center in San Diego | Navy Judge Advocate | Master of Science in HealthCare Policy and Law degree | Focus in traffic matters, DUI, sexual assault and civil cases
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